Ward & Smith Helps Rembrandt Wireless Technologies Win $15.7 Million Patent Verdict

Texas jury issues multimillion-dollar decision against Samsung over Bluetooth patents

MARSHALL, Texas – Attorney T. John “Johnny” Ward Jr. of East Texas-based Ward & Smith recently helped firm client Rembrandt Wireless Technologies LP win a $15.7 million patent infringement verdict following a courtroom battle over two patents that cover the same Bluetooth technology commonly found in many of today’s hand-held electronic devices.

Mr. Ward was among a team of attorneys who successfully represented Pennsylvania-based Rembrandt in its claims against Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. The one-week trial concluded on Feb. 13 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas before Judge Rodney Gilstrap in Marshall. Mr. Ward and the other attorneys at Longview, Texas-based Ward & Smith regularly represent clients in Eastern District patent lawsuits.

“This was a hard-fought case that ended with the right result,” says Mr. Ward. “The jurors were well-informed and focused throughout the trial, which is why they easily concluded that Samsung infringed Rembrandt’s patents.”

Samsung was sued in 2013 based on the infringement of two Rembrandt patents, U.S. Patent Nos. 8,023,580 and 8,457,228. Rembrandt claimed Samsung was using both patents without permission to enable the use of Bluetooth technology in its Galaxy S smartphones.

The jury returned the multimillion-dollar verdict after only one hour of deliberations. In addition to the verdict amount, Samsung also will be required to pay royalties to Rembrandt throughout the life of both patents on all future sales of Samsung devices containing Rembrandt’s patented Bluetooth technology.

In addition to Mr. Ward, Rembrandt was represented by attorneys from the Houston law firms Ahmad, Zavitsanos, Anaipakos, Alavi & Mensing P.C., or AZA, and Heim, Payne & Chorush LLP.

Longview, Texas-based Ward & Smith has tried more than 350 cases to verdict, earning a national reputation in high-stakes claims involving complex commercial litigation, intellectual property law, oil and gas matters, bad faith insurance claims, and serious personal injury claims. Ward & Smith frequently assists lawyers nationwide in complex cases before Texas juries.
